Q: What is the protocol for bad weather?
A: If we have bad weather we will move the festival to Sunday if possible and all information will be passed onto FACEBOOK and Local Radio Stations. FACEBOOK is your best bet to get up to date news on the festival.
Q: What should I bring to the festival?
A: Here is a list of things that might be advised, some may vary depending on the forecast.
Lawn Chairs
Earbuds (if you don't like your stereo really really loud)
Q: Is Christian Cross Festival (CCF) in competition with the local church?
A: Absolutely not. We are partners with local churches and ministries and are an extension of the church. CCF exists to help bring the body of Christ together to reach outside the walls. Our non-denominational organization is made up of many different churches and only exists because of the local church.
Q: Is CCF only a youth event?
A: No; however, one of our main goals is to reach our youth. While it is clear that our youth are in trouble and God is using CCF as a means to reach out, it is about much more. We bring generations together. This festival has something for everyone, regardless of age. The message of the gospel never changes and it is presented in a real and relevant way for all.
Q: Why a FREE festival? Shouldn't people pay for Christian concerts?
A: God laid it upon our hearts to make this festival FREE, affordable to everyone. There is a great need for evangelism and our desire is to plug people back into the local church. We don't feel cost should be a stumbling block to attract these people.
Q: Can it be quality since the festival is FREE?
A: Yes, yes!! We believe the Lord deserves excellence. Top-quality Christian musicians and speakers are part of our festival, much like a Graham Crusade or Palau Festival. We strive to provide a festival of excellent quality.
Q: How do you select the artists and speakers?
A: CCF selects artists and speakers on the following basis: prayer, ministry of the artist, quality of music, style of music, availability, booking requirements, etc. We try to offer a variety of styles. Sometimes, artists are not available for the dates we have open. Artist’s fees range widely and some artists are more difficult to schedule because of their sound and staging requirements. Unfortunately, the more popular the artist the more expensive they are--one challenge in a FREE event. We continue to trust that God will provide through his people and churches the necessary resources so that we can continue to offer popular artists with powerful messages.
Q: How is CCF funded?
A: CCF is funded because of the generosity of its supporters. CCF is a non-profit 501c(3) faith-based ministry. We are funded through church and individual donations, offerings, corporate sponsors, fund-raising, and program advertising. Click HERE If You Would Like to Help!
Q: How do I volunteer to work at the festival and what is involved?
A: We couldn't have festival without our dedicated volunteers! Each year dozens of people give of their time and volunteer in one or more areas. As the festival grows, so does our needs for more volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering click HERE.
Q: Do you have a scheduled time when the singers are performing and the speakers are preaching?
A: We will not have a detailed schedule until the event. It will be published on the website.
Do you have any other questions about the festival you would like to ask, feel free to send us the question and we'll do our best to answer it. It might even end up on this page too. We can be reached at brett.simonsen@christiancrossfestival.org
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